
essay 2 topic

So we have to choose 2 different types of media that both convey the same message, then analyze them and decide which one conveys the message better and why, then of course support our decision. I have a few ideas. Idea 1) I am going to compare the movie "500 Days of Summer" with the song by Dave Matthews Band called "Stay or Leave." Idea 2) I am going to compare the MTV show "The Buried Life" with the song "Last Ones Standing" by Example. Idea 3) to be determined... Basically I know one of my media forms is definitely going to be a song, and the other will be a TV show or a movie. I just can't think of many TV shows or movies off the top of my head this moment. Maybe tonight ill look through my DVDs or flip through the TV channels to get some ideas flowing. Once i find a show/movie i would like to use, i can easily find a song to go with it that expresses the same theme or motif. The only difficulty I am having is once i think of a TV show, i immediately think of the theme song and it is hard to get away from that. And when it comes to movies, i can only seem to think of the soundtrack to that movie...Oh well, i'll keep brainstorming.


In my opinion, Facebook has both its pros and cons. The upside of facebook is that it is a great way to keep in touch with people who live somewhere else, invite people and send out information about events,  and a good way for companies to advertise and gain customers. However, Facebook is what a lot of people say as very “addictive.” Some of the cons of facebook are that it is decreasing our interpersonal and social skills with one another. It is also causing grades to drop and work ethic to decrease because people will wander onto facebook when they should be doing other things. Its also allowing for more bullying between people and even can get a little creepy by the fact that you can find out information about other people and somewhat ‘stalk’ them via their facebook. I am a fan of facebook and in no way do I think they should get rid of it. But I do think facebook goes a little far when there are games you can play and virtual gifts you can give and things like that. Facebook was created to be a social networking site, not a place for people to get lost in their computer for hours on end. I personally have a few friends that love overseas, and without facebook I would not be able to keep in touch with them. But for the people who use it all day, every day, it’s a problem. I just think the main issue is that facebook is taking place of face-to-face social life, besides that, I’m all for it.


Essay Topic for Rhetorical Essay

I am going to do my Rhetorical Analysis Essay on a current event, Hurricane Earl. I am going to choose one of the few articles I found online (links at the bottom of this entry). They are mostly informational and include persuasive and convincing elements from what I've scanned so far. They are aimed toward the general public, focusing on the residents living on the East Coast of the US that are expected to be hit by the hurricane. The arguments are supported by media such as graphs, satellite images, and photos.
