
Essay numero tres

So for our third essay we have to write about a controversial topic. Something debatable. Something we can pick a side and argue for or against that side and then for or against another side. I definitely think i will like writing this essay instead of the rhetorical analysis papers we have been focusing on. After some careful consideration and Google-ing a list of "debatable topics" I have decided that the topic for my paper will be about religion, specifically about Christianity being based upon astrology. Being a person with more of a 'scientific' belief system, this topic struck a particular interest with me. Living in the bible belt I always get a sense of disapproval when i tell anyone I am weary if i believe in God or not. I would love to do some further research on this to solidify my own beliefs and be able to back up why i think that way. I realize that it is an extremely touchy subject for many. But hey, you want a debatable topic; i'll give you a debatable topic! I have a lot of faith (ha, faith, ironic) in this topic and I think that I could find a lot of evidence and scientific research and sources to support my essay/paper with.

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